Do you remember when you had a passion for your job? That feeling when you couldn’t wait to get to the office and start your day? Do you still feel that way? If not, why has your outlook changed?

At the beginning of each year as deductibles reset, what a great reminder that we should take time to think about a reset too. A reset of your outlook, your office, your passion.


“Everybody needs a passion. That’s what keeps life interesting. If you live without passion, you can go through life without leaving any footprints.”

If You Ask Me (And Of Course You Won’t) ~ Betty White


As we turn the page for the new year, your reset should be like a breath of fresh air, not another burden. Take a step back and remember the passion and joy that your job used to bring you.

If you are looking to regain that passion, you may need to realign some things, purge others, and take steps toward getting it back. These don’t have to be BIG gestures, apply the “KISS” principle – Keep It Simple Silly! Below are a few simple ideas:

  • Rearrange the furniture in your waiting room
  • Encourage staff to update their work space
  • Smile – even on the days when you are struggling
  • Review an old case file that you were very proud of
  • Look at photo albums from an event/milestone that you were proud of
  • Remind someone you work with of their goodness by complimenting them on a talent, skill, or accomplishment.
  • Look for the positive in your day.
  • Give people (including yourself) a little grace. Everyone has bad days, a little kindness goes a long way.

You might be surprised, a seemingly simple task may make such an impact that you are inspired to tackle something bigger. Those tasks that are a mundane burden are a good place to look at next. Where can you change things up, make improvements, or offload some tasks?

By making a conscious choice to rekindle your passion or even finding a new passion, it will allow you to re-engage and will inspire others around you to do the same. Before you know it, these things will be second nature to you and your office.

Where can YOU find ways to reset for 2023? Want some more ideas, thoughts or inspiration?

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