Budget in medical and dental practices has always been front of mind, but recent inflation, staffing challenges, and minimal to no increase, (and in some instances a decrease) in reimbursements have made it a true pain point. There are ways that you can alleviate some of these burdens.

In the January 2023 Newsletter [read the article here] you may recall that I discussed some ways that you can make some little changes to start the year off on the right foot. Some of these ideas overlap with the ones here.

  • Invest in technology to automate some of the tedious tasks that take up a lot of employee time.
  • Use task management system such as Dock Health to assign tasks, due dates and manage it all in one place ~ get rid of those sticky notes
  • Update training on your Electronic Health Record system for productivity tips, templates, appointment reminder options, ways to increase patient engagement, Etc.
  • Look into office care/consignment type program for your DME items
  • Sell OTC items that you may be referring patients out to another location. Keep the money in house and make it more convenient for your patients
  • Ask for vendor discounts, consider joining a GPO
  • Review your Internet / phone contracts
  • Review Policies & Procedures for ways to improve efficiencies

Don’t focus on problems but on opportunities. If there is something not working in your office, gather info from staff, and use this as an opportunity to make more streamlined processes to improve productivity in your office. Your staff is on the frontline and would welcome the opportunity to provide input for improvement.

There are ways to cut costs that may hurt your practice. Don’t eliminate products and services that are providing value simply to save a little money. Technology can seem pricey but if you have the right technology and effective training (and stay up to date) it can really improve efficiencies in the office by taking the mundane tasks off of your staff allowing them to focus on more challenging tasks that require a human touch. In addition, don’t skimp on the little things that make your staff feel appreciated. A few snacks, drinks/coffee in the break room go a LONG way!

Did you know Sarah Clark Consulting offers a FREE practice self-assessment? CLICK HERE to take the one minute assessment and get some great information to keep the smile on your face while making your practice more efficient!

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