In a recent issue of the Costco Connection, there was an article about Burnout. Burnout has been a hot-button topic that was brought to light mid pandemic with an increase of people leaving their jobs where they were unsatisfied and looking for a career or position where they would feel appreciated and happy.

I thought, wow, if Costco is writing about this it really is mainstream. But what IS burnout and what are things that you can actually do if you are experiencing burnout? According to burnout is defined as:

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.

A few easy things that can help reduce burnout but also foster a culture of kindness can include:

  • staff breaks- encourage physical activity not just scrolling through their phone
  • provide continuing education on a consistent basis, schedule them several months out and make them a priority
  • daily or weekly huddle and check in with your staff
  • thank the employees for their work
  • develop realistic job Duty expectations

Practice kindness. Check in with the people who help make your practice run. Think about reaching out to some local businesses or vendors that may be willing to come to your office for a lunch and learn opportunity. Having the local bank representative come in to educate staff on Financial Security, savings, and investing may prove very beneficial and help decrease stress for those who may be struggling financially. Offer other types of lunch and learn such as encouraging self care. There are multiple resources available online as well as in your community. Reach out, think outside the box. You should enjoy your job, and your office should feel welcoming to you, your team and your patients. If you aren’t healthy, it makes it difficult to help others. Your patients will feel it in the care you provide.

What are you doing to fight off burnout and stay engaged in providing great care at your practice?

Did you know Sarah Clark Consulting offers a FREE practice self-assessment? CLICK HERE to take the one minute assessment and get some great information to keep the smile on your face while making your practice more efficient!

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