Comprehensive Private Practice Assessment

Are you feeling…

  • A lack of direction?
  • Not making any headway in your business and are stuck?
  • Overwhelmed?
  • Lost?
  • Like you lost your joy in providing patient care?
  • Like you need help and don’t know where to start?

Would you like to…

  • Increase required compliance with regulated programs such as HIPAA/OSHA/MIPS?
  • Decrease stress levels for you and your staff?
  • Improve employee engagement/morale and the culture of the practice?
  • Be alerted to blind spots by having a fresh set of eyes view practice?
  • Know where your red flags are that get in the way of doing what you love?

Four Areas Most Physicians Would Like To Improve


If you want to increase productivity, you need to effectively assess your team members skills and match work assignments to them. OK, so how do we make that work in a medical practice? Well, part of an essential plan in the office is to - of course - communicate clear expectations, reward performers, coach for better performance and do not tolerate poor performers. A Gallup study found that a positive employee experience led to higher profitability, productivity, safety, quality, and customer ratings, and decreases turnover, safety incidents, absenteeism. Disengaged employees cost organizations $3,400 for every $10,000 in annual salary.


Patients are your main purpose for being a physician, they are also the driver of revenue for your practice. In today's world patients are considered consumers of healthcare which makes them customers. They will shop around, read reviews on yelp or physician compare and call their insurance to compare pricing rates. Retaining your patients in your practice by not only providing the care from the physician but the practice as a whole is necessary. The initial contact with an office be it the phone, the website or the waiting room are what makes the first impression.


How many times a day do you think about all the charts that need to be completed? It is never ending and is a significant cause of stress and frustration. Documentation is a burden and a necessity. Electronic Health Record Systems - Another point of frustration, really are designed to assist with this. Of course, there are many other areas where paperwork is dragging down your office - task management is another huge area. Technology is an important investment in your practice. The pricing and functionality can be off-putting initially, but the outcomes can really reduce frustration and paperwork!


Policies and Procedures are vital and necessary for a functioning office. However, if you have policies and procedures that don’t make any sense, are outdated or irrelevant they are only hurting your organization. Policies and Procedures are meant to act as guides for your employees and even training tools. If someone has a question on the way something should be done having these manuals to reference is key.

With the patient shouldering more of the cost for their healthcare with higher deductibles, coinsurance and premiums it is essential to offer more services for patients to maximize office profitability. Having some strategies in place can make all the difference.

What Can Hiring A Consultant Do For You?

We don’t know what we don’t know or can’t see…consultants can provide you with new insight and alert you to blind spots. Hiring Sarah Clark can provide you with this insight because she has a unique background with both clinical and administrative expertise.

Physicians need consultants to assist in taking care of business-related issues so that they can focus on the care and treatment of their patients.

Worrying about setting up templates in your EMR is not an efficient use of a physician’s time. Trying to stay up to date on the changes in the EMR and making sure the staff is updating workflows is best outsourced so that the physician can focus on the care and treatment of their patients. Sarah Clark works with you to create these templates personalized to you and your specialty, streamlines the updates process and workflows in order to increase your efficiency by decreasing time spent documenting.

Hiring a consultant can allow for a fresh perspective that can identify opportunities and blind spots that someone with more intimate knowledge of the day-to-day operations may not be able to see.

If you are struggling with your practice and aren’t sure where to start Sarah Clark will come to your office and perform a comprehensive practice assessment to help clarify what needs to be done and help you prioritize them. If your practice is doing relatively well, an assessment can assist in taking next steps in developing a strategic plan for the future.

Hiring Sarah allows you to focus on patient care while she and your staff focus on maximizing profits, streamlining procedures, improving retention and increasing new patient acquisition.

The Comprehensive Private Practice Assessment will generate a report that clearly identifies areas where the practice is performing well, moderately well and where improvements are needed, plus a crystal-clear plan to take action.


  • Front Desk
  • Phone Etiquette
  • Bedside Manners & Focused Patient Care
  • Revenue Cycle Management
  • Employee Engagement & Culture
  • Compliance and Safety
  • Work – Life Balance
  • Transition/Exit Plan
  • Patient Retention / Satisfaction
  • Electronic Health Record / Practice Management Systems
  • Ancillary Income


The assessment will act as a roadmap for taking the next step in making improvements in your practice. After the assessment you will have the opportunity to customize your plan. Should you chose to move forward with the recommendations, Sarah Clark will work with you to implement the recommendations and will follow up with you as much (or as little) as needed. Having an accountability partner and guide can make an immense difference.

Areas of improvement will vary depending on your office assessment, but areas that you may see improvement in include, but are not limited to:

  • Patient Collections
  • Employee engagement / satisfaction
  • Patient Satisfaction
  • Increase in compliance relating to OSHA/HIPAA, MIPS, EMR use and efficiencies
  • Work-life balance.

Client Testimonials

  • I had the pleasure of speaking with Sarah Clark in January 2022. She met all my expectations & provided step by step the actions she intended to take to resolve my issue. I appreciate the thoroughness & honesty as well as the her proven track record of success. Her follow up is impeccable! Sarah is personable, professional and very detailed. I highly recommend Sarah Clark Consulting! She is a skillful & knowledgeable asset to any company or private use.

    Ellen Porter
  • Sarah is an absolute gem to work with! She helped me get hired for my (current) job, and made the process quick and easy! She also is a wealth of knowledge, spent much time getting me prepared prior to starting, and helped me get settled into this role and helped train staff on streamlined procedures. She makes sure you feel comfortable and confident and is always available if you have questions.

    Highly recommend to assist with hiring/training needs!

    Jenell (Google Review)
  • Sarah Clark is an EXCELLENT resource for a practice that wants to go to the next level. She has provided extensive training to our employees and has helped streamline processes and procedures in every department. Her extensive knowledge and experience of EMR, billing/AR, patient flow and MIPS, along with her ingenuity, has significantly benefited our practice. She is also a fantastic person to have around! Highly recommend!!!

    Maile (Google Review)
  • I had a great experience with Sarah Clark Consulting, LLC! She is very professional and knowledgeable. She has a perfect answer for every question. She will always have 5 stars from me!!

    Samantha Spain, RN (Google Review)
  • Sarah Clark was extremely helpful and very knowledgeable, we were all very thankful to have her come in and help us!!

    Allyssa (Google Review)
  • Sarah is a SUPERWOMAN! She has helped me in many aspects of my podiatry practice. She is knowledgeable, trustworthy and demonstrates the utmost professionalism.

    Ainsley (Google Review)
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What Specific Areas Can Sarah Help Us With?

With the goal of building long-term relationships that bring maximum value to the practice, some of the popular services that Sarah offers include:

  • MIPS – Assist with proactive monitoring and education
  • Business process improvement
  • Talent acquisition and onboarding
  • Staff education
  • OSHA and HIPAA compliance
  • Special projects
  • Vendor pricing analysis
  • Procedure manuals
  • Staff Meetings & Improved Culture
  • Identify and monitor KPIs
  • EMR evaluation and implementation management
  • Patient Engagement and Retention
  • Assist with negotiation and/or evaluation for potential sale of practice

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