Sarah Clark

Sarah Clark grew up in coastal Massachusetts and her love of Boston sports prompted her to pursue a career in Sports Science. She ventured to Elmira College in upstate New York, then hopped over to Indiana University to earn a Masters degree in Kinesiology.

Sarah immersed herself into all aspects of sports medicine including big corporations like the NFL and private independent practices. While holding several positions in this space she has gained a unique set of experiences, and this has provided her with a well-rounded understanding of the challenges independent practices face. These diverse experiences allow perspective from nearly all roles in the office, and a keen eye to understand pain points and best way to work on change using collaborative approaches.

It became increasingly evident to her that small, independent practices don’t have the advantages of larger groups for leveraging efficiencies in purchasing, processes, and general sharing of knowledge and best practices. The smaller private practice physicians wear multiple hats, some of which they may have very little training or prior experience with. Sarah recognizes this as an opportunity rather than a disadvantage and is determined to guide them into the best versions of themselves by improving their operations and increasing their profitability.

Sarah now resides in Huntersville, North Carolina with her Husband Brian and their rescue dog, Blaze. When not working she enjoys spending time outdoors, traveling in their RV, cooking, kickboxing, and rooting for her hometown Boston sports teams (despite being married to a Bills fan). Go Celtics, Bruins, Pats & Sox!


Your confidence in our services is of the utmost importance. Therefore, we want to assure you that all consulting projects are treated with confidentiality, and we are fully trained and compliant with all HIPAA requirements.

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